Creating together
a sustainable future FOR
Oceans, Energy and Shipping.
Act to keep our planet blue.

BLUEWEEK - 7 to 11 April 2025
Wageningen, the Netherlands

Blue Forum Seminars

Natural Propulsion

The true success of energy transition requires a drastic step towards energy sobriety. Direct use of environmental forces, such as wind, sun or waves will guarantee true sustainability of our future shipping and transport activities.

Zero Emission

Zero emission power solutions are on the rise in all sectors and require new type of expertise and technologies. Sharing such expertise is key at this very moment of the transition, as we are all about to make important choices to create a sustainable future.

Renewable Ocean Energy ​

Renewable energy can be found in many ways across our oceans. True sustainable alternative energy carriers are at reach. Their production and storage can benefit from past experience in offshore activities. However, different approaches and  expertises are also needed to respect and possibly repair our environment.

Blue Life ​

Human activities at sea requires a drastic change in our relation to the ocean. From today we must guarantee the sustainability of our activities: fishing, farming, biomass production or life conservation and protection. Much is possible if we are successful in taking part in the symbiosis of this delicate eco-system.


A sustainable future for Oceans, Energy and Shipping

Dare to set ambitious goals, apply novel techniques to produce renewable ocean energy, rethink transport & shipping to reduce drastically energy use, set sails on all ships, develop and choose zero emission power technologies, protect and cherish the environment, while using all available past experience and knowledge from the energy sector: this is how we want to create, together, a sustainable future for Oceans, Energy and Shipping. 

If you want to contribute with a presentation in one of the seminar, organise a JIP or European project meeting or working group members meeting, contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Get in contact


Zero JIP

Christian Veldhuis – MARIN

Joint Industry Project

WISP 3.0

Rogier Eggers – MARIN

Joint Industry Project

Offshore Maintenance Vessel

Erik - Jan de Ridder – MARIN

Joint Industry Project

The maritime industry will come together again in 2021, with the FPSO JIP Week and the BlueWeek set to be held between May 31-June 4. All activities will be live streamed to reach out to you wherever you are on our blue planet. The seminars and the Forum on Wednesday will be open to the public, (following registration), while JIP meetings will be open to members only. 


We need actions today if we are to build a strong foundation for the future. Taking decisions with long-term consequences and making choices in the short-term are not easy. So sharing experience and knowledge is the best possible way forward. By organising such an event, we want to help the maritime sector gain confidence, mitigate doubts, be inspired, innovative, dare to try, fail and try again, think, rethink, design and engineer operations with alternative sustainable solutions.


Please join us – virtually or in person – between May 31-June 4 to power the future with fresh ideas!


Naturally inspired by the Oceans

Our team members have a strong technological background and work daily on projects, research and innovation for the maritime sector. Their involvement in the BlueWeek is motivated by a wish to share knowledge and create synergies between people seeking sustainable alternative solutions in the maritime sector. If you wish to contribute to our seminars, do not hesitate to contact them! If you want to host a BlueWeek, please contact the chairman of the Blue Forum.

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Guilhem Gaillarde

Chairman Blue Forum

“More than ever, collaboration is needed to realise a necessary and ambitious energy transition. Act to keep our planet blue.”

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Rogier Eggers

Chairman Natural Propulsion seminar

“Using natural resources and the environment to power ships.”

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Christian Veldhuis

Chairman Zero Emission seminar

“Solutions to reach the 2050 emission ambitions and beyond.”

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Erik-Jan de Ridder

Chairman Ocean Energy seminar

“Let’s make the ocean our sustainable food and energy source.”

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Floor Spaargaren

Chairwoman Blue Life seminar

“Shaping the future of sustainable activities at sea.”

Naturally powered by MARIN

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