BlueWeek 2016, Presentations Wageningen
IWSA Natural Propulsion Seminar
Gavin Allwright, IWSA, UK
Aerodynamic interaction of several propulsion systems on deck
Giovanni Bordogna & Nico van der Kolk, TU Delft, The Netherlands
The Fair Winds trading company cargo proa project
Alain Guillard & Madadh MacLaine, Fair Winds
Peace Boat – Ecoship: Diesel Electric Wind Combined Propulsion System
Andres Molina & Maria de la Fuente, Ecoship project
eCONO Wind Unit
Guus van der Bles, Conoship
Barriers to the development and uptake of wind propulsion technologies for ships
Dagmar Nelissen, CE Delft
Sow the Wind (Technology) and Reap the Rewards
Michael Traut, Tyndal, UK
Overview of EEDI challenges and potential chance for WASP
Kees Metselaar, Dutch Ministry IenM/Maritime Affairs, The Netherlands
Dynamic power offtake cables; challenges over static cables
Hayden Marcollo, AMOG
Seaqualizer: Motion Compensated Access Bridge
Gjalt Lindeboom, NHLO
Multi-turbine floater for a clean and sustainable future
Magnus Rahm, Hexicon
Walk-to-Work Wind Farm Service Vessel
Jorinus Kalis, Damen, The Netherlands
An economical and insured TLP substructure for a 6MW wind turbine as a solutions in offshore wind
Frank Adam, Gicon
Floris Groendendijk, IMARES
Floating Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
Feike Savenije, ECN /wind Energy