BlueWeek 2017, Presentations Den Helder

Wingship system
Guy Walker, Windship Technology

Flettner-rotor technology
Sascha Strasser, MARIKO and Michael Vahs, Hochschule Emden-Leer

Shipping in the Arctic – and Further! – Challenges for natural propulsion in a changing environment
Philippe Tammes, Joint Venture Earth and Eelco Leemans, Clean Arctic Alliance

Maritime Transport 2.0
Brian Boserup, Blue Technology

WASP, the status of DNA involvement and selected test cases
Gerard Dijkstra, Dykstra Naval Architects

Galatea: Bio-inspired AUV
Tim Vercruyssen, TU-Delft /WU

The use of sediments to optimize ecosystem services
Arjan Wijdeveld, Deltares

Activities in offshre maintenance
Erik-Jan de Ridder, MARIN

Wind accelerator
Jan Matthiesen, Carbon Trust

Gemini: Lessons learnt
Marios Papalexandrou, Gemini

Airborne wind energy
Bernard van Hemert, Ampyx Power and Willem van Schoten, Mocean

Recent research on the behavior of monopiles in the offshore wind industry
Luke Prendergast, TU Delft

How deep is deep enough – considerations on cable burial requirements
Dirk Luger, Deltares

Tennets perspective on the North Sea energy infrastructure
Thomas Donders, Tennet

More performance from PV panels
Sipco Eggink, Sunfloat

Harnessing the oceans’s power (presentation available on request)
Berend Jan Kleute, Bluerise

Considerations in decommissioning
Joop Coolen, Wageningen  University & Research

An environmental perspective on multi-use applications for wind farms
Marnix Poelman, Wageningen University & Research

Advancements in the Dutch seaweed sector
Marnix Poelman, Wageningen University & Research

Simon Burmester, MARIN

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