Multifunctional use of the North Sea: chances and challenges
Saskia Mulder, HaskoningDHV
Project Edulis: offshore mussel production in wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Nancy Nevejan, Unveristy of Gent
Towards an innovative platform for seaweed production in the North Sea
Klaas Timmermans, NIOZ
Discussion on ecological impact of large scale wind park developments , what is needed for developments in the future
Marnix Poelman, WUR
Nature-inclusive design of scour and cable protections (JIP HaSPro)
Tim Raaijmakers Deltares
Offshore possibilities within the Port of Rotterdam
Twan Romeijn, Port of Rotterdam
Machine Learning Applied to MetOcean Forecasting
Maziar Golestani, DHI
A cable layers’ perspective on multi-use of the ocean space
Pieter Wijnmaalen, Boskalis Sebsea Cables & Flexibles
An integrated approach on emission reduction: set course towards the IMO climate agreement
Jurrit Bergsma en Jorrit Harmsen,TNO
Offshore wind R&D agenda 2020-2030
Bob Meijer, TKI wind op Zee
Maintenance of a existing windfarm
Bart Hoefakker, Gemini
Johan de Jong, MARIN
Motion Compensation in Offshore Wind
Tijmen Gombert, TWD
Floating maintenance hub
Olaf Waals, MARIN
Haico van der Heijden, TNO
Maintenance Islands
Chris Westra, Westra Consulting
Installation of Norsepower Rotor Sail on board Viking Grace
Tuomas Riski, Norsepower
Development of global wind power industry, as inspiration for wind assistance on ships
Stefan Gsänger, World Wind Energy Association
BICEPS Network: shippers demand sustainable ocean shipping
Walter Vermeer, FrieslandCampina Corporate Procurement
Has hydrogen potential to be used as a marine fuel?
Roy Campe, CMB
Sustainability and wind assistance in shipping at the TU Delft
Riaan van ‘t Veer, TU Delft
Systematic variation of wind assisted ship designs
Rogier Eggers, MARIN
OceanWings®, a reefable and automated wingsail for the hybrid propulsion of ships (presentation not available)
Nicolas Sdez/Gaëtan Breurec, VPLP/CNIM
Innovative large sail technology for a new cruise experience
Vianney Vautier, STX France
Wind+Wing developments; scaling up
Charlie Bogue, Wind+Wing Technologies
Net Zero Sail Propulsion for Tankers with the TankerProa
Frank J. Berté PhD, Innovative Marine Technology
The Tig Rig Retrofit Sail System
Alistair Johnson, Dasivedo
Moritz Krijgsman, MARIN
Guus van der Bles, eConowind
Flying insects & drones
Florian Muijres, Wageningen University and Research
Fish propulsion
Johan L. van Leeuwen, Wageningen University and Research
Bioinspired flow sensing in complex environments using an artificial lateral line
William Megill, Rhine-Waal University
Biomimetic Ship Propulsion: towards the most efficient configuration
Eize Stamhuis, Groningen university
Christian Veldhuis, MARIN