Bob Meijer, Director, Offshore Wind Energy R&D, TKI Wind op Zee
How the Netherlands is promoting innovation, creates development and drives cost reduction of Offshore wind energy
Teus van Beek, General manager market innovation, Wärtsilä
Sustainable use and opportunities for cities: Oceanic Awakening Initiative
Joost Sterenborg, Project Manager, MARIN
Space@Sea European Project
Gro de Saint Martin, Programme Director, Réseau de Transport d’Electricité
On the connection of marine energy
Tonio Sant, Associate professor, department of mechanical engineering, university of Malta
FLASC: Offshore Energy Storage
Pierre Duwiquet, Product Development Manager, Atlantique Engineering
An insight into floating substations
Jean-Marc Daniel, Director of the Physical resources and deep sea Ecosystems research department, IFREMER
Experimental method to qualify rotor-floater interaction
Bruno Geschier, Chief sales & marketing Officer, WindEurope
Floating Wind Taskforce
Bruno Geschier, Chief sales & marketing Officer, Ideol
Current offshore wind projects in France and Japan
Clemens van der Nat, Manager Strategic developments at Bluewater Energy Services, BlueWater
TLP based platform for Multi-use: Wind Energy and Fish Cages
Christine de Jouette, Marine Energies Project Director, EDF Energies Nouvelles
Floating Offshore Wind: project Provence Grand Large
Erik-Jan de Ridder, Project Manager, MARIN
Areas of research for offshore wind at MARIN
Jérôme Ribuot, Offshore Renewables Development Director, Saipem
AFLOWT Saipem Floating Wind solution Demonstrator
Valentin Arramounet, INNOSEA
Floating Wind : Aeroelastic software coupling with Orcaflex
Nathalie Renard, Marketing director, Jeumont Electric
World first superconductive wind generator ECOSWING : opening the doors to new challenges
Yann Herve de Roeck, General director, France Energies Marines
Collaborative initiatives for marine renewable energy
Frabrice Jancart, Technology Develoment Manager, Naval Energies
OTEC developments
Jean-Christophe Gilloteaux, Researcher Marine & Ocean team, LHEEA Centrale Nantes
FARWIND: Wind energy Conversion in the far-offshore
Jean-Luc Longeroche, Co-founder and CEO, GEPS-Techno
Stabilized and hybrid powered (wave/solar) floating platforms for Blue growth activity
Gregor Paterson-Jones, Founder, Paterson-Jones
Renewable energy investment
Kare Olav Krogenes, Managing Director, Viewpoint seaFarm
Next generation Offshore seafarming
Floor Spaargaren, Project Manager, MARIN
Creating a blue print for synergy between offshore wind and floating solar power
Eelco Leemans, Advisor sustainable use of Oceans, North sea Energy Lab
Multi-use strategy and experience in the North Sea
Javier Abanades, Hydrodynamic Responsible of Offshore Renewable Projects, TYPSA
Towards green ports through the integration of renewable energies
Lucas Bertrand, Business Development Director France, ITM Power
How can Hydrogen participate to Ports decarbonization?
Carolina Navarro Correcher, Area Manager – Port City, Mobility and Cruises, Port of Valencia Fundacion
Environmental challenges of the Port-Maritime sector
Secil Torun, Team Leader ENGIE Lab Hydrogen, Engie
Role of Hydrogen in harbours
Christian Veldhuis, Research coordinator Sustainable Propulsion, MARIN
Research on biomimetic propulsion at MARIN (past and future plans)
Johannes Oeffner, Research Associate, Fraunhofer CML
Bio-inspired Air-lubrication technologies for ship hulls
William Megill, Professor Faculty of Technology and Bionics, Uni Rhein-waal
Explorations of low-power high-efficiency biomimetic propulsion systems in human-powered racing submarines
Ahmed Chemori, CNRS Researcher, LIRMM-CNRS/Univ. Montpellier
Towards Effective Underwater Inspection With a Fin-Actuated Biomimetic AUV
Julian K.A. Langowski, Postdoctoral researcher, Experimental Zoology Group, Wageningen University & Research
Safe grip in a wet environment: Biological solutions to a technical problem
Ievgen Mazurenko, CNRS Researcher, BIP/CNRS/Aix-Marseille University
Bioavailable enzymes as alternatives to platinum catalysts in low temperature fuel cells
Franck Sylvain, CEO, EEL-Energy
The biomimicry tidal device
Keynote: Yves Parlier, French Sailor & Director Beyond The Sea
Rogier Eggers, Senior Project Manager, MARIN
Testing methods for manoeuvring & seakeeping with WASP in real wind
Nico van der Kolk and Giovanni Bordogna, PhD. Candidate & Researcher, TU Delft
A comprehensive model for wind-assisted ships
Brian Boserup, Founder, Blue Technology
Wind will allow shipping to go zero emission
Jean Zanuttini & Vincent Seguin, CEO Neoline & Naval Architect Mauric, Neoline & Mauric
The sailing path towards a zero emission shipping
Nils Joyeux, CEO Zephir et Boree, Zephir et Boree
How to promote greener trade: Zephyr et Boree project
Joseph Baker, Mechanical Engineer, Anemoi Marine Technologies
Utilising Big Data and Regulations to drive the uptake of Flettner Rotors
Rémi Retho, Naval Architects, Airseas
Kite ship propulsion for ships
Jerome Vedrenne, R&D Engineer, CRAIN
On shore experimental testing of suction wing
Mathis Ruhl, Naval Architect, Mathis Ruhl – Architecture Navale
Wind Motion: make sailing great again
Mike Poole, Director AutoNaut Ltd, AutoNaut
Wave-propelled vessels, part of the zero carbon future
Moritz Krijgsman, Senior Project Manager, MARIN
Hydro-system integration for zero emission shipping: test cases and studies for the Dutch Ministry of Transport and for the Dutch Navy
Louis-Noel Viviés & Marc van Pethegem (VPLP), Energy Observer
Energy Observer around the world with Oceanwings
Faig Abbasov, Shipping policy officer, Transport&Environment,
Roadmap to decarbonising European Shipping
Gavin Alwright, Secretary IWSA, International Windship Association: IWSA Hub development
Madadh MacLaine, CEO ZEM-Tech, Zero Emission Maritime Technology: Zero Emission Maritime overview
Michael Adams, President, Ocean Assets Institute: Investment in sustainable maritme industry
Moritz Krijgsman, MARIN: Zero emission propulsion train
Patrick Hooijmans / Rogier Eggers, MARIN: WiSP JIP – WInd assisted Ship Propulsion